Tag Archives: no strings attached
Who Else Wants To Learn About Adult Dating
You’ve made the decision to try your hand at adult dating. You want a bit of fun. You don’t want to be tied down. You might have a partner at home. You might be single with no time to embark on an emotional relationship. You might be a fan of multiple partners just because of the thrill it gives you. Whatever the reason, you’re here looking at adult dating because you want to give it a try, right? If this is your first time, you are in for an exciting ride!
There are so many adult dating websites out there, either for extra marital affairs or no strings attached dating. It can be hard to know which one to go for, or what approach to put to work first. This is your first time, and it can all seem overwhelming.
When it comes to finding the right website for you, it pays to shop around, so to speak. Look for one that works in your favour. For example, if you are a guy looking for a hot girl, you don’t really want an adult dating website with 60% or more males, do you? That’s basically a sausage fest right there. How can you expect to pull a hot chick when you are fighting off a bunch of other guys at the same time?
The same thing applies to the ladies out there – if you are looking for a hot guy, don’t go for a website that is predominantly female based. There are some great websites out there, and it can often make sense to sign up with more than one. For example, there’s nothing wrong with making use of the free female membership with one site, and then paying for a subscription elsewhere. You might as well make use of the freebie!
(Guys, this means that more girls will sign up to it so you might as well give it a bash too! It’s like free female entry nights in clubs – there’s always LOADS of girls there!)
Another thing you’re going to want to look for when you sign up is how many people are coming up in your area. What’s the point in joining an adult dating site with the closest member is one hundred miles away? You won’t be bothered to travel all that way all the time, so it’s only going to be a one night thing, if it ends up being a thing at all? Use the search function – that’s what it’s there for.
Generic dating websites are not going to help you here. There is normally a NSA button that you can check when you sign up to them but you will more than likely find that the people on these sites are looking for something a bit more than a casual fling. A bit of advice for you – don’t waste your time with them. Go straight for the NSA and adult dating ones and you will have much better luck!
The Ultimate Guide To Dating Casually
Casual sex dating isn’t something you can go into with a closed mind, that’s for sure. A lot of people turn their noses up at this new, “free” style of dating and we’ll be honest; it’s not something that suits everyone. In fact, more people are against a casual dating than for it, if conversations with our friends, family and work colleagues are anything to go by.
Casual dating is often interpreted as meaningless sex. To some extent, it is just that, but in other respects, there’s a lot more to it. For example, those with busy lives or unloving spouses turn to dating casually in a bid to fill a hole or void in their life. Why should they miss out on amazing sex and intimacy just because they don’t have time for a relationship? Or because their other half doesn’t fancy a bit of slap n’ tickle?
Despite common misconceptions, casual dating isn’t always about throwing your genitalia at anyone brave enough to accept it. It’s about keeping your options open. What’s the point in spending a couple of years with someone, just for companionship and sex, when you pretty much know that you won’t be marrying them or living the happy ever after dream? It’s just wasting your time and theirs, isn’t it?
By indulging in a spot of casual dating, you are learning more about yourself, as well as learning more about the kind of person you are compatible with. You’ll learn the things that you won’t stand for, plus how much of a compromise you would be willing to make to ensure the other persons happiness. After all, the art of a good relationship is compromise. Casual dating is just the lead up to this.
Is there really something so wrong about casual dating? As we’ve mentioned, there’s no point in wasting time with people that you know you won’t end up being with for the long term. Keeping your options open just seems like a sensible way of doing things, much like shopping around for a new mobile phone contract. What’s the point in committing to something when you aren’t sure whether or not it’s going to work?
Of course, there are some “rules” or “guidelines” that you should follow if you plan on casual sex dating. For example, safe sex ensures YOUR sexual safety, as well as the sexual safety of those you are casually dating. You should probably apply an honesty policy to the matter too — always make sure that the person you are dating is well aware that this is a casual thing. The last thing you are going to want to do is break anyone’s heart. It just makes things too complicated when both parties aren’t heading in the same direction and, trust us, that’s just not fun!
Above all else, make sure you have fun. The whole point of this is to sow your wild oats, as such, and learn about yourself. As long as you are honest about what you are looking for, and don’t string anyone along, who are you really hurting?
Is Marriage Dead Why NSA Dating Is So Popular
NSA dating = no strings attached dating. That’s pretty much as simple as it gets really. You have sex with someone, and then that’s it. Well, until you see them again for sex, of course. You don’t need to date them, you don’t need to move in together, there’s no pressure to have babies and get married and find a big house to live in, in the country with three horses, a dog, a cat, a hamster and a goldfish. It’s easy. It’s breezy. It’s literally no strings attached!
NSA Dating… Why?!
I’m a big fan of the NSA dating because it offers me so many MORE things than a relationship can offer me. Firstly, I don’t need the things in a relationship that a man can give me because I am already in one. The only time I need the NSA men that I date is in the bedroom… My husband doesn’t screw me like these other guys do. I don’t need to worry about seeing them again either so I can do pretty much what the hell I like. If I fancy a bit of anal fun, I don’t need to worry about my husband thinking I’m a dirty harlot. You can replace harlot with whatever word you like, I’m sure you get my drift.
There are some things you can’t do with your “regular” partner or husband. There are things you might be too embarrassed to admit to liking, or things he’s made very clear he doesn’t like. Relationships are meant to be based on compromise but sadly, this is rarely the case.
There are a whole bunch of reasons as to why the popularity of NSA dating has grown. Revenge sex is a clear winner here, with so many people opting of a night of no strings attached sex in a bid to get their back on a partner that has done them wrong. Revenge sex is always the best sex. It’s nasty sex!
Men often turn to no strings attached dating to get something they might not get at home with their wives. After the kids come along, sex is one of the first things that normally goes down the pan and you know… he has needs and urges. Just because she’s not desiring it, doesn’t mean that he isn’t. It doesn’t mean he loves her any less… It just means that he’s not getting everything he needs at home. If she NEVER finds out, who is it hurting?
Once you’ve been with a partner for a while, things can fizzle out. You might lose the sex, you could lose the romance; you could lose everything that once sparkled about your relationship. This is a classic example of trying to rekindle the butterflies you first felt when you meet someone – the first flush of romance where your heart flips when you touch him in a saucy manner, or your breathing becomes shallow as he flirts his lips along your neckline. You won’t get that same feeling once you’ve been with someone for a little while, and it’s a sensation that many people crave. NSA dating gives you the opportunity to experience those butterflies over and over again… with new partners every time, or just when you have lost the spark.
Some people indulge in a little NSA dating whilst they already have a loving partner at home because they don’t feel wanted or desired by their full-time lovers. A lack of sex, romance, money, too much fighting, kids getting in the bed at night, worries at work… All of these things can lead to the decline of a sex life within a relationship. A little no strings attached sex fun on the side isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but for some, it just works. If you’ve read my other articles, NSA dating is remarkably popular in one of my most favourite countries in the world – South Africa. For such a relatively small country, there are lost of web sites in this sectors with thousands of members! Check it out!