Category Archives: casual dating
The Ultimate Guide To Dating Casually
Casual sex dating isn’t something you can go into with a closed mind, that’s for sure. A lot of people turn their noses up at this new, “free” style of dating and we’ll be honest; it’s not something that suits everyone. In fact, more people are against a casual dating than for it, if conversations with our friends, family and work colleagues are anything to go by.
Casual dating is often interpreted as meaningless sex. To some extent, it is just that, but in other respects, there’s a lot more to it. For example, those with busy lives or unloving spouses turn to dating casually in a bid to fill a hole or void in their life. Why should they miss out on amazing sex and intimacy just because they don’t have time for a relationship? Or because their other half doesn’t fancy a bit of slap n’ tickle?
Despite common misconceptions, casual dating isn’t always about throwing your genitalia at anyone brave enough to accept it. It’s about keeping your options open. What’s the point in spending a couple of years with someone, just for companionship and sex, when you pretty much know that you won’t be marrying them or living the happy ever after dream? It’s just wasting your time and theirs, isn’t it?
By indulging in a spot of casual dating, you are learning more about yourself, as well as learning more about the kind of person you are compatible with. You’ll learn the things that you won’t stand for, plus how much of a compromise you would be willing to make to ensure the other persons happiness. After all, the art of a good relationship is compromise. Casual dating is just the lead up to this.
Is there really something so wrong about casual dating? As we’ve mentioned, there’s no point in wasting time with people that you know you won’t end up being with for the long term. Keeping your options open just seems like a sensible way of doing things, much like shopping around for a new mobile phone contract. What’s the point in committing to something when you aren’t sure whether or not it’s going to work?
Of course, there are some “rules” or “guidelines” that you should follow if you plan on casual sex dating. For example, safe sex ensures YOUR sexual safety, as well as the sexual safety of those you are casually dating. You should probably apply an honesty policy to the matter too — always make sure that the person you are dating is well aware that this is a casual thing. The last thing you are going to want to do is break anyone’s heart. It just makes things too complicated when both parties aren’t heading in the same direction and, trust us, that’s just not fun!
Above all else, make sure you have fun. The whole point of this is to sow your wild oats, as such, and learn about yourself. As long as you are honest about what you are looking for, and don’t string anyone along, who are you really hurting?
The Truth About Casual Sex Dating
Casual sex dating might sound seedy and uninviting but in this day and age where both men AND women have many more choices open to them, it makes sense to wait until you are sure you’ve met the “right” person before you settle down, get married, have babies and live the fairytale dream that, apparently, everyone is looking for.
The thing is not everyone is looking for that fairytale dream ending. We have busy schedules now, and money is tight with the recession. Who wants to waste both time and money on awkward first dates and uncomfortable second dates, when you can enjoy a bit of casual sex with someone you have a laugh with, and don’t need to worry about the pressure of commitment or monotony… Sorry, monogamy!;)
Many women are afraid to try casual dating for fear of being called all manner of bad names. Most women that casually date choose to keep things on the “down-low” and to be honest, this isn’t a bad tactic. The last thing you’ll want is a name for yourself. No one likes to date the girl with the reputation!
Of course, on the other end of the spectrum, you can’t be too “frigid” about things otherwise you won’t get anywhere in life! If you see a hot guy in the supermarket and he’s not rocking a wedding ring, what’s to stop you sliding over and striking up a conversation? You won’t get anywhere if you don’t try, and you’ll kick yourself for not saying hi! Ask for his number… Most men will be quite surprised by how forward you’ve been, but at the same time, ask any guy and they’ll tell you it’s quite hot to be approached by a chick for a change!
If you’re not having fun with a potential suitor, make sure you cut all ties before it goes too far. We’ve all dated THAT guy that wouldn’t leave you alone after you apparently broke his heart. If it’s not working, or you sense he’s more into things than you are, don’t brush it under the carpet. It won’t get any better. In fact, he’ll just get worse. Before you know it, he’ll be singing you love songs through your bedroom window in the middle of the night. Honestly, “the obsessee” is not a guy you want to lead on…
That’s the other thing you’ll need to learn about casual sex relationships… If you’re going to explore your sexuality and have fun, STOP PICKING THE SAME GUYS! Why not think outside the box and opt for guys you wouldn’t normally date. After all, you have no intentions of dating them out of the bedroom anyway…. You’ll be surprised at how many men and women have casual sex relationships with people they’d normally try and date anyway. What’s the point in that?!
The good thing about casual sex is the fact that you can experiment a little. You don’t need to impress these partners quite so much as you have no intentions of staying with them for the long term. Why not have fun with your sexuality and think outside of the box? Have the sexual experiences you never had the balls to have. What’s the worst that could happen…? You’ll never see them again? No one said it was serious anyway! There are loads of online web sites that cater for those who are just looking for sex or casual relationships – all over the world, including one of my favourites countries for nsa dating – South Africa. Go there are see for yourself!
Is Marriage Dead Why NSA Dating Is So Popular
NSA dating = no strings attached dating. That’s pretty much as simple as it gets really. You have sex with someone, and then that’s it. Well, until you see them again for sex, of course. You don’t need to date them, you don’t need to move in together, there’s no pressure to have babies and get married and find a big house to live in, in the country with three horses, a dog, a cat, a hamster and a goldfish. It’s easy. It’s breezy. It’s literally no strings attached!
NSA Dating… Why?!
I’m a big fan of the NSA dating because it offers me so many MORE things than a relationship can offer me. Firstly, I don’t need the things in a relationship that a man can give me because I am already in one. The only time I need the NSA men that I date is in the bedroom… My husband doesn’t screw me like these other guys do. I don’t need to worry about seeing them again either so I can do pretty much what the hell I like. If I fancy a bit of anal fun, I don’t need to worry about my husband thinking I’m a dirty harlot. You can replace harlot with whatever word you like, I’m sure you get my drift.
There are some things you can’t do with your “regular” partner or husband. There are things you might be too embarrassed to admit to liking, or things he’s made very clear he doesn’t like. Relationships are meant to be based on compromise but sadly, this is rarely the case.
There are a whole bunch of reasons as to why the popularity of NSA dating has grown. Revenge sex is a clear winner here, with so many people opting of a night of no strings attached sex in a bid to get their back on a partner that has done them wrong. Revenge sex is always the best sex. It’s nasty sex!
Men often turn to no strings attached dating to get something they might not get at home with their wives. After the kids come along, sex is one of the first things that normally goes down the pan and you know… he has needs and urges. Just because she’s not desiring it, doesn’t mean that he isn’t. It doesn’t mean he loves her any less… It just means that he’s not getting everything he needs at home. If she NEVER finds out, who is it hurting?
Once you’ve been with a partner for a while, things can fizzle out. You might lose the sex, you could lose the romance; you could lose everything that once sparkled about your relationship. This is a classic example of trying to rekindle the butterflies you first felt when you meet someone – the first flush of romance where your heart flips when you touch him in a saucy manner, or your breathing becomes shallow as he flirts his lips along your neckline. You won’t get that same feeling once you’ve been with someone for a little while, and it’s a sensation that many people crave. NSA dating gives you the opportunity to experience those butterflies over and over again… with new partners every time, or just when you have lost the spark.
Some people indulge in a little NSA dating whilst they already have a loving partner at home because they don’t feel wanted or desired by their full-time lovers. A lack of sex, romance, money, too much fighting, kids getting in the bed at night, worries at work… All of these things can lead to the decline of a sex life within a relationship. A little no strings attached sex fun on the side isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but for some, it just works. If you’ve read my other articles, NSA dating is remarkably popular in one of my most favourite countries in the world – South Africa. For such a relatively small country, there are lost of web sites in this sectors with thousands of members! Check it out!
Finding The Right Niche Adult Dating Site
In the internet age that we have found ourselves in, we are faced with more and more choices, especially when it comes to things like dating. The internet has opened a wealth of opportunities in so many areas, but with dating, it’s become very handy. You are able to meet thousands of people at the touch of a button, and you will come across people that you might not otherwise have come across. Internet dating is no longer seen as “dirty” or “seedy” as it was a few years ago, and in turn, it means that sex can be found just as easily as a relationship. With one in four relationships now starting in one online format or another, it makes sense that sexual encounters would follow suit.
Finding the right site to use can be as simple as using Google to perform a little search. When you open the browser and type in “” however, what are you going to write? Are you looking for an “extramarital affair” with someone that can be as discreet as you need them to be? Are you looking for something to satisfy your needs this evening as you have nothing to do? Are you looking for someone to finally fulfil that ultimate desire you have been burning to tell someone about? You need to know what you’re looking for before you go looking for it. That’s just common sense really!
There are a lot of different niche adult dating websites, to deal with the above situations we’ve mentioned and more. That’s the trick about having success with them – you need to find the right one for you. There are websites like Adult Dating Network and which are designed to help those married or with partners looking for a bit of extra fun. There are websites like Granny Dating Club designed for younger guys looking for older women and vice versa. There are no-strings-attached websites for those looking for someone just to fill a space for a short time in the bedroom. Which one is applicable to you? What is it that you are looking for?
Once you’ve found the perfect niche adult dating site for you, you need to create a sparkling profile that will attract interest from those that you want to take to bed. You need to be funny, to the point, and honest. A good profile pic will help matters too! (Of course!)
Of course, you will need to make sure that you are being safe on the website you are using. There are some “extra-marital” websites that are private investigators trying to catch you out. The last thing you want is your partner finding out about your business, so make sure that you read reviews of the websites you are using, and only use one that you are sure is what it says on the tin. There are a lot of scams out there, and a lot of websites that are made up of fluff and fake profiles. Make sure you are using a good one, not only to protect yourself, but also to protect those that you are trying to avoid hurting.
5 Winning Strategies To Spice Up Your Adult Personals Ad
Right guys and girls, we know you aren’t playing around. You’re looking for someone fun and good-looking to play with tonight, but are sick of the weirdos you always attract from the adult personals. It’s time to start looking at spicing things up so that you can find the perfect partner for you… at least for one night only!
Your personals ad is going to be the main thing that attracts those people you are attracting, and it’s time to look at changing it to make it work better for you. If you’ve never created a personal ad before you in your life, or need a hand filling out that online dating profile “About Me” box that you dread so much, you’ve definitely come to the right place!
5 – Be yourself
If you’re five foot three, a tad overweight, and about as greasy as a plate of freshly-fried chips, whats the point in making yourself out to be a lean, tall, beauty with Australian-style bleach blonde waves, and a figure that anyone in Hollywood would be envious of. You’re planning on meeting up with these people for sex… Are you seriously considering the idea of luring them in under false pretences, and hoping they give in and have sex with you anyway, just because they travelled to see you? Life doesn’t work that way…
You need to be honest about the way you look, the things you like, and the kind of person you are. You wouldn’t lure someone into your bed to screw under the pretence of marrying them and having their babies, so why would you lure someone into a bar only for them to find out that you are a troll and not the beaut they were expecting. Don’t be stupid – you won’t get laid. They will more than likely call the cops on you for being a complete nutjob.
4 – Get to the point
“Hi, my name is Michelle and I work in the fashion industry. I love cats, new shoes, pink leather couches, horse shoes, butterflies… blah, blah, blah.” Do you know when most men would have given up on you? After the fashion industry bit. You need to put some thought into what you are writing here. These people aren’t interested in what you do for a living, or what you do in your spare time. They are looking for someone to meet up and have sex with. You must have know this already, you are filling out a personal ad after all. Get to the point – the stuff you know they will be interested in. Like the fact that you’re a size ten with a 32dd chest, for example. That’s the important stuff.
3 – I’m looking for…
If you don’t put what you’re looking for, how is that supposed to come your way? What are you looking for? Do you know what you’re looking for? Are you looking for a bit of no-strings fun, or a night of unbridled passion with a man whose name you do not know? Are you looking for someone to finally fulfil that fantasy where you’re naked and tied to the bed, and your partner does whatever the hell they want with you? They can’t find you if you can’t be found… You should probably be clear about what you want from the meeting.
2 – I’m XX years old
It’s not a nice thing to say but you might as well come out and say it because pretty soon you are going to meet someone form that site and they are going to know anyway. Be honest about your age right from the beginning. Some guys are looking for an older woman. Some men are looking for a 20-something year old “twinkie”. Get to the point – we need to know your age.
1 – GSOH
OK, so you’ve said you’ve got a GSOH or good sense of humour, and you are looking for someone with the same. Does your personal ad really say that you have a good sense of humour? Are you actually funny in any of it? If you’re funny, be funny. Don’t be a middle aged, stuck up loser in your ad if you’re the frivolous and carefree joker in real life. What’s the point? Try to show a bit of personality in your ad, whether its with a sense of humour, or a real bit of flirty banter. You’ve said it so you might as well show it! And as they say, if you’ve got it, flaunt it!